Monthly Archives: Januar 2025
FluentAssertions replace with Shouldly
Just press cmd+H in Visual Studio and replace
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Should(). with Should |
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using FluentAssertions; with using Shouldly; |
99% percent of the errors should be gone. If you like to stay with FluentAssertions (which I do not recommend), open your .csproj file and put brackets around the version. This will prevent you upgrading to version 8
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<PackageReference Include="FluentAssertions" Version="[7.0.0]" /> |

Rancher Desktop auf Windows installieren
Rancher Desktop wsl verschieben:
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wsl --export rancher-desktop D:\rancher-desktop.tar wsl --unregister rancher-desktop wsl --import rancher-desktop D:\Docker\wsl\RancherDesktop "D:\rancher-desktop.tar" --version 2 wsl --export rancher-desktop D:\rancher-desktop-data.tar wsl --unregister rancher-desktop-data wsl --import rancher-desktop D:\Docker\wsl\RancherDesktopData "D:\rancher-desktop-data.tar" --version 2 wsl ~ -d rancher-desktop |