Author Archives: Andreas
VueCliMiddleware unter IIS installieren
Dies ist eine Fortsetzung zu Über Windows Cmd Console zum Ordner navigieren wo das neue Zertifikat erstellt werden soll (cd… ) in die Console folgendes eingeben: mkcert -pkcs12 localhost Im Ordner wird nun eine localhost+1.p12 Datei erstellt. Diese Datei umbenennen zu localhost.pfx In Die Console mkcert – install eingeben und mit Ja bestätigen […]
JavaScript CSV Download – Excel + Umlaute
var downloadCsv = function(content, fileName) { var a = document.createElement(‚a‘); mimeType = mimeType || ‚application/octet-stream‘; var mimeType = ‚text/csv;encoding:utf-8‘; var BOM = „\uFEFF“; content = BOM + content; if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { // IE10 navigator.msSaveBlob(new Blob([content], { type: mimeType }), fileName); } else if (URL && ‚download‘ in a) { //html5 A[download] a.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content], […]
VueCli installieren
Begriffe Definition Babel Ein JavaScript Kompiler. Übersetzt Code in EcmaScript, welcher auch mit alten JavaScript Browsern kompatibel ist und vieles mehr PostCss Beim kompilieren werden Prefixe an Css Klassen / Ids hinzugefügt, damit in einer SinglePage Applikation nicht plötzlich ein und dieselbe Id für unterschiedliche Komponente genutzt werden Lint Ein Prozess wo der Source Code […]
ASP Core 3.1 inkl VueCLI mit mehreren VueApps verwenden
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders; using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; using VueCliMiddleware; namespace ASPMultipleVueSPA { public class Startup { // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. // For more information on […]
Backup alle Nicht System Datenbanken
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--Script 3: Backup all non-system databases --1. Variable declaration DECLARE @path VARCHAR(500) DECLARE @name VARCHAR(500) DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(256) DECLARE @time DATETIME DECLARE @year VARCHAR(4) DECLARE @month VARCHAR(2) DECLARE @day VARCHAR(2) DECLARE @hour VARCHAR(2) DECLARE @minute VARCHAR(2) DECLARE @second VARCHAR(2) -- 2. Setting the backup path SET @path = 'C:\Temp\OneDrive\DevAndy\Backups Kingside\Database Backup\' -- 3. Getting the time values SELECT @time = GETDATE() SELECT @year = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), DATEPART(yy, @time))) SELECT @month = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FORMAT(DATEPART(mm,@time),'00'))) SELECT @day = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FORMAT(DATEPART(dd,@time),'00'))) SELECT @hour = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FORMAT(DATEPART(hh,@time),'00'))) SELECT @minute = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FORMAT(DATEPART(mi,@time),'00'))) SELECT @second = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FORMAT(DATEPART(ss,@time),'00'))) -- 4. Defining cursor operations DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb') -- system databases are excluded --5. Initializing cursor operations OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- 6. Defining the filename format SET @fileName = CONCAT(@path, @name, '_backup_', @year, '_', @month, '_', @day, '_', @hour, '_', @minute, '_', @second, '.bak') BACKUP DATABASE @name TO DISK = @fileName FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name END CLOSE db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor |
Openmediavault + Nextcloud auf Raspberry Pi installieren
Installation erfolgt von einem Windows Rechner. Benötigt werden folgende Programme: SD Card Formatter: Win32 Disk Imager: Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite Image: KiTTY oder PuTTY (SSH Client) [Im folgenden Konsole genannt]: Vorbereitung: Mit SD Card Formatter SD Karte formatieren Mit Win32 Disk Imager „Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite Image“ auf SD […]
ASP Core Configuration vererben
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; } in ServiceCollection services.Configure<BaseConfiguration>(this.Configuration); services.Configure<ChildConfiguration>(this.Configuration); Die ChildConfiguration erbt von BaseConfiguration Hat die ChildConfiguration Unterknoten, erben auch die Unterknoten. So wird die Konfiguration „erweitert“
Integrations Test mit Dependency Injection MsTest v2 .Net Core 3.1
Möchte man einen Integrationstest schreiben und dabei dependency injection nutzen, muss man folgendermaßen vorgehen: Im Besten Fall teilt ma die Ausführende Applikation z.B. Web Applikation, Console etc und eine Bibliothek. In die Bibliothek kommt die Auslagerung der StartUp:
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public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions { public static void UseMyModule(this IServiceCollection services) { services.AddTransient<IMyClass, MyClass>(); } } |
Im Testprojekt wird eine Basis Klasse definiert, die dieses Modul einliest. Nun kann in CofigureServices services.UseMyModule() […]
SQL CPU Last und Gesamtdauer von Query testen
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set statistics time on select 1 set statistics time off |
.gitignore SSIS dtsx Dateien hinzufügen
in der VisualStudio .gitignore: wird das komplette Verzeichnis „obj“ exkludiert. Die packages (.dtsx) aus SSIS befindet sich aber gerade dort. Daher muss man folgende Zeile auskommentieren:
1 |
#[Oo]bj/ |
und unter diesen Block einen neuen Block hinzufügen:
1 2 3 4 5 |
#SSIS !**/[Oo]bj/**/*.* **/[Oo]bj/**/*.* !**/[Oo]bj/**/*.dtsx !**/[Oo]bj/**/*.conmgr |
meine komplette .gitignore sieht demnach so aus:
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## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and ## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons. ## ## Get latest from # User-specific files *.rsuser *.suo *.user *.userosscache *.sln.docstates # User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio) *.userprefs # Mono auto generated files mono_crash.* # Build results [Dd]ebug/ [Dd]ebugPublic/ [Rr]elease/ [Rr]eleases/ x64/ x86/ [Ww][Ii][Nn]32/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]/ [Aa][Rr][Mm]64/ bld/ [Bb]in/ #[Oo]bj/ [Ll]og/ [Ll]ogs/ #SSIS !**/[Oo]bj/**/*.* **/[Oo]bj/**/*.* !**/[Oo]bj/**/*.dtsx !**/[Oo]bj/**/*.conmgr # Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory .vs/ # Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot #wwwroot/ # Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files Generated\ Files/ # MSTest test Results [Tt]est[Rr]esult*/ [Bb]uild[Ll]og.* # NUnit *.VisualState.xml TestResult.xml nunit-*.xml # Build Results of an ATL Project [Dd]ebugPS/ [Rr]eleasePS/ dlldata.c # Benchmark Results BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts/ # .NET Core project.lock.json project.fragment.lock.json artifacts/ # ASP.NET Scaffolding ScaffoldingReadMe.txt # StyleCop StyleCopReport.xml # Files built by Visual Studio *_i.c *_p.c *_h.h *.ilk *.meta *.obj *.iobj *.pch *.pdb *.ipdb *.pgc *.pgd *.rsp *.sbr *.tlb *.tli *.tlh *.tmp *.tmp_proj *_wpftmp.csproj *.log *.vspscc *.vssscc .builds *.pidb *.svclog *.scc # Chutzpah Test files _Chutzpah* # Visual C++ cache files ipch/ *.aps *.ncb *.opendb *.opensdf *.sdf *.cachefile *.VC.db *.VC.VC.opendb # Visual Studio profiler *.psess *.vsp *.vspx *.sap # Visual Studio Trace Files *.e2e # TFS 2012 Local Workspace $tf/ # Guidance Automation Toolkit *.gpState # ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in _ReSharper*/ *.[Rr]e[Ss]harper *.DotSettings.user # TeamCity is a build add-in _TeamCity* # DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool *.dotCover # AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool .axoCover/* !.axoCover/settings.json # Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool coverage*[.json, .xml, .info] # Visual Studio code coverage results *.coverage *.coveragexml # NCrunch _NCrunch_* .*crunch*.local.xml nCrunchTemp_* # MightyMoose *.mm.* AutoTest.Net/ # Web workbench (sass) .sass-cache/ # Installshield output folder [Ee]xpress/ # DocProject is a documentation generator add-in DocProject/buildhelp/ DocProject/Help/*.HxT DocProject/Help/*.HxC DocProject/Help/*.hhc DocProject/Help/*.hhk DocProject/Help/*.hhp DocProject/Help/Html2 DocProject/Help/html # Click-Once directory publish/ # Publish Web Output *.[Pp]ublish.xml *.azurePubxml # Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings, # but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted *.pubxml *.publishproj # Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to # checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained # in these scripts will be unencrypted PublishScripts/ # NuGet Packages *.nupkg # NuGet Symbol Packages *.snupkg # The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore **/[Pp]ackages/* # except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target. !**/[Pp]ackages/build/ # Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed #!**/[Pp]ackages/repositories.config # NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files *.nuget.props *.nuget.targets # Microsoft Azure Build Output csx/ *.build.csdef # Microsoft Azure Emulator ecf/ rcf/ # Windows Store app package directories and files AppPackages/ BundleArtifacts/ Package.StoreAssociation.xml _pkginfo.txt *.appx *.appxbundle *.appxupload # Visual Studio cache files # files ending in .cache can be ignored *.[Cc]ache # but keep track of directories ending in .cache !?*.[Cc]ache/ # Others ClientBin/ ~$* *~ *.dbmdl *.dbproj.schemaview *.jfm *.pfx *.publishsettings orleans.codegen.cs # Including strong name files can present a security risk # ( #*.snk # Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components # ( #bower_components/ # RIA/Silverlight projects Generated_Code/ # Backup & report files from converting an old project file # to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed, # because we have git ;-) _UpgradeReport_Files/ Backup*/ UpgradeLog*.XML UpgradeLog*.htm ServiceFabricBackup/ *.rptproj.bak # SQL Server files *.mdf *.ldf *.ndf # Business Intelligence projects * *.bim.layout *.bim_*.settings *.rptproj.rsuser *- [Bb]ackup.rdl *- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl *- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl # Microsoft Fakes FakesAssemblies/ # GhostDoc plugin setting file *.GhostDoc.xml # Node.js Tools for Visual Studio .ntvs_analysis.dat node_modules/ # Visual Studio 6 build log *.plg # Visual Studio 6 workspace options file *.opt # Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.) *.vbw # Visual Studio LightSwitch build output **/*.HTMLClient/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.DesktopClient/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.DesktopClient/ModelManifest.xml **/*.Server/GeneratedArtifacts **/*.Server/ModelManifest.xml _Pvt_Extensions # Paket dependency manager .paket/paket.exe paket-files/ # FAKE - F# Make .fake/ # CodeRush personal settings .cr/personal # Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) __pycache__/ *.pyc # Cake - Uncomment if you are using it # tools/** # !tools/packages.config # Tabs Studio *.tss # Telerik's JustMock configuration file *.jmconfig # BizTalk build output *.btp.cs *.btm.cs *.odx.cs *.xsd.cs # OpenCover UI analysis results OpenCover/ # Azure Stream Analytics local run output ASALocalRun/ # MSBuild Binary and Structured Log *.binlog # NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file *.nvuser # MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder .mfractor/ # Local History for Visual Studio .localhistory/ # BeatPulse healthcheck temp database healthchecksdb # Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017 MigrationBackup/ # Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder .ionide/ |